Managing Director:
Wenzel Catima (CEO)
Registered Office: Bassum-Neubruchhausen
Registered Court HRB Number 209300 |
VAT ID: DE 341866662
Place of fulfilment and place of jurisdiction shall be Bassum only.
We operate exclusively in accordance with the Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteurbedingungen 2017 – ADSp 2017 – (German Freight Forwarders‘ Standard Terms and Conditions).
These limit in section 23 ADSp the legal liability for loss of or damage to goods according to § 431 HGB to the amount of 8,33 SDR/KG per claim or less event to EUR 1,25 million or EUR 2,5 million respectively or 2 SDR/KG – depending on whichever is greater and for multimodal transports including sea generally to 2 SDR/KG.
A copy of the ADSp is available on request.
Notice/Disclaimer: Despite careful control regarding contents we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the external links are exclusively responsible for the content of linked pages.